Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer diagnosed in men
Physical Therapy & Chemotherapy
- Decrease fatigue levels and overall weakness from treatment
- Individualized exercise programs
- Modifications in exercise program
- Weight management
- Maintain/improve cardiovascular fitness
Surgery & Radiotherapy
- Pre-operative assessment, education and guidelines to minimize dysfunctions post-surgery
- Scar tissue management post-surgery
- Radiation Fibrosis Syndrome rehabilitation
- Active release therapy (i.e., radiation-induced dermatitis, and fibrosis)
- Referral for pelvic floor rehab for sexual function, and urinary incontinence
Hormonal Therapy
- Androgen hormones such as testosterone, help maintain the balance between building bones and breaking them down.
- Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT): may cause temporary or permanent physical changes such as fatigue, functional decline, increased body fatness, and loss of lean body tissue.
- Men’s bone mineral density may decrease by 4% to 13% yearly while receiving ADT.
- Bone loss associated with ADT results in an increased risk of fractures and osteoporosis
Physical Therapy for men receiving Hormonal Therapy:
- Bone mineral density evaluation
- Postural assessment, education and exercises
- Individualized exercise program and cardio program to minimize bone loss and keep bones strong
- Osteopenia and/or osteoporosis education, prevention and management
- Fracture education & prevention techniques
- Osteoporosis Canada guidelines-Bone fit program